Tuesday, March 24, 2015

Flash Face Maker

I used flash to create a animated face and had a lot of fun doing so! I learned more about how to create slides and I like it a lot better that pivot. It is easy to use and I like flash.

Friday, March 20, 2015

Moving objects in Flash

Using Flash to create moving objects is very fun. I was able to create multiple frames with ease. Here is my animation.

Wednesday, March 18, 2015

Flash Tools

Using flash tools was fun. I was able to draw things with ease and had a good time using it. I learned a lot from using flash, and will like to use it in the future. Here is my creation in flash.

Monday, March 9, 2015

Windows Movie Maker Pivot

Using pivot in combination with Windows Movie Maker was fun. I was allowed to add music and effects to my pivot. It gave my animation life and made it seem unique.I was able to showcase my imagination in this movie. Enjoy this movie I made in Windows Movie Maker.